Wednesday, December 17, 2014

It's that time of the year

After my previous post about how I don't do New Year's Resolutions you may be surprised I am bring up the dreaded topic.  Well I am.  I don't do the usual ones but I do make a list of goals for the year ahead.  Last year I made this list,

  • Read more
  • Run 1000 miles (so close darn you knee!)
  • Run another marathon (does 16 miles count? Lol)
  • Earn a new PR at the Half Marathon 
  • Earn a new PR at the 5k
  • Run a 10k (not sure how I skpped that altogether before)
  • Drink more water
  • Cross train more
  • Eat healthier

I was very impressed with myself that I completed almost ALL of that list.  I found that setting attainable goals much more doable for me and they make me feel better about myself as I reach them.  Not all goals need to be crazy out there nor do they all need to be about health and fitness.  So what are you thinking about reaching for in 2015?  I know some of mine but I'm sure this list is still going to grow.  Many will remain the same because they are good goals to have.

  • Eat healthier (clean 80%)
  • Drink more water
  • Continue cross training at least 3-4 days a week
  • Go Diamond (currently an Emerald coach)
  • Run 1000 miles
  • Run a sub 2:15 half marathon
  • Run a sub 5 marathon (if I decide to run one in 2015)
  • Reach the Beach
  • Read more books
  • PR the 5k
This is just my working list.  Maybe you guys can share some goals with me (even those big scary goals!) so I can copy and steal your ideas too.  Just kidding.  Well maybe, maybe not.  

Oh and don't forget to sign up to get the new blog posts delivered right into your email inbox.  You aren't going to want to miss some upcoming giveaways!

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Treadmill workouts

During the winter months in NH the treadmill plays a big role in my life.  It gets boring just hopping on and running so here are a few workouts I like that mix it up.
A favorite of mine!
A pyramid

It is slow but the incline really kicks your booty

This is one that simulates hiking a mountain
Also, to make time pass quicker I watch Netflix.  I find a TV series that can keep me entertained and looking forward to the treadmill runs.  Last winter I trained for another marathon and most of it was on the treadmill so I played around with my running time and would watch Bruins games and Netflix.
I blew through Orange is the New Black in just days and made it almost all the way through 7 seasons of Dexter.  I have a couple episodes and then the last season left so don't spoil it for me!

What do you do to pass the time on the treadmill?
Any Netflix Or On Demand series you would recommend this winter?

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Winter Running? Take it or Leave it?

I think anyone that knows me (and if you don't yet you will soon!) knows I hate winter.  I hate snow, ice and especially the cold!  While others ski and snowboard I prefer to read by a fire and sip (spiked) cocoa (or a good Guinness).  I do love when the snow is on the ground but the roads are safe and it is warm enough that you can go out and really enjoy a good run though.  Not for speed but for pure lung burning exhilarance.
My Girly and I in a winter wonderland
Winter 2014
But you know what winter is GOOD for?  Planning and training!  Planning (more to come on that later) what races and series you want to run the upcoming year and training (running & cross training) to get stronger and fitter for the spring!  So that's what I'm doing.  PiYo, Les Mills Pump, and running!  I've created my own Hybrid schedule so I can follow along with my December PiYo challenge group (still time to join us!) and still follow the Les Mills PUMP program.  I am loving the lifting and can really feel the difference.  I know how much PiYo helped my running last summer so I can't wait to see how it helps over this winter strength season.  Spring race times can only be better!  I find it so much easier in this rainy, snowy and cold weather to do indoor workouts than to wake up when it's dark and go run in the dark.  The treadmill has never been my favorite past time.  I will use it when I need to but for now more concentration is being put on strength than distance.  It's hard for me mentally to drop back from running 125-150 miles a month to sooooo much less but I know it is what will make me better and stronger!

A guide for crappy winter weather
Your welcome

Do you run in the winter indoors or outdoors?  What is your favorite cross training exercise? What keeps you motivated?

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

My Story

Some of you may know my story but others may think I was always a runner.  I wasn't!
My journey began in the fall of 2011 by doing a couch to 5k program.  I had gained weight over the years and 2 pregnancies and let myself go.  I would lose a little then gain it back but this time  I was ready to put my health first because I wanted to be a better example for my kids.  So I set out doing the Couch to 5k program, running every other day and keeping a journal of my distance, time, how I felt and noting all my ailments along the way.  Let me tell you at over 200 pounds I had some!  Yes you read that correctly I was over 200 pounds.
Fall 2011

My first "race" was a local Turkey Trot with no time clock which was perfect (it raised money for the local food pantry so it was a great cause!). I ran almost the whole thing, not fast but I finished!  I was bit by the running bug.  I set a goal for myself for the coming year (2012) to run at least a race a month for the year.  New Year's resolutions don't typically work, or last, for me but I figured to run these races I would have to keep up training so it would be a win-win.  I started looking at races and all the different places I could run and I got really excited. Then I got the crazy notion to run a Half Marathon.  Why not right?  Since I was able to run 3.1 miles why not tack on another 10.

I was very lucky that I had a great friend willing to join me on this crazy yearlong journey.  In Febuary I ran my first Half Marathon.  It was a virtual race, it raised money for a charity, and you ran it on your own inside or out as long as it was a 13.1 mile measured distance.  It was a perfect first for me so I didn't have to fear being last and I knew I then could do a REAL Half.  I ran lots of races that year including a cross country trail 5k, many 5ks, a 5 miler, 10 miler and 2 more Half Marathons.  I finished the year with great memories and PRs that I wanted to train to better.

Fall 2012 Smuttynose Half Marathon

Then, in the early spring of 2013 I was introduced to a new running friend (kind of felt like a blind date) and we started running together every weekend getting ready for some Spring Half Marathons.
May 2013 Big Lake Half Marathon

On our weekly runs my new buddy convinced me to make a big jump and train for a full marathon.  I'm so glad she did because it made me further love my long runs!  We trained together all summer and in the fall of 2013 I ran my first FULL MARATHON!
Packet Pick up

The ugly cry
Smuttynose Marathon 2013 

Since then I struggled with a stress fracture, dropped out at mile 16 of Marathon number 2, and became a Beachboy coach (in that order).  Through my journey with Beachbody I fell in love with PiYo and had my fire majorly reignited.  PiYo helped me get stronger and improve my 5k PR by 2 minutes and PR while injured (no one said I was smart) in the Half Marathon as well.
Smuttynose Half Marathon Fall 2014
IRun4 Carson
I can't wait to share not just my running adventures with you all but also my day to day crazy ins and outs of motherhood.  Through all these adventures my family has stood by me and supported me (sometimes in the cold pouring rain) and  I have made great friendships that I know will last a lifetime.

I have a bucket list that keeps growing so buckle up and let's get this party started!

Tuesday, December 9, 2014


Welcome to my ramblings, running and rants!  I hope you enjoy the ride and that I can entertain you a bit along the way.  
I had planned on creating a blog in the new year and it was on my Goal list for 2015 but after a rant this morning on my Facebook page Mama Needs a Run I decided to start the process today.  So bear with me while I get this slowly moving forward.